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Book Reviews


Power of Persuasion by Elizabeth Massie

When the female population of Sunnydale starts strutting its girl power, the push for gender equality seems like a normal expression of 90s feminism. After all, a girl trying out for the football team isnt usually a sign of imminent danger. But when guys start acting like powerless pawns and a few even turn up dead, Buffy Summers notices that the local womans movement has reached a feverish, and probably unnatural pitch.

The slayer is the only one who can see straight during the ultimate battle of the sexes. Her friends including Giles are spellbound by the malignant muses permeating the school. Even the local vampires are acting strange. Alone in her search for answers, Buffy must figure out who is behind the sinister sisterhood and close the gender gap before the feminist revolution goes too far.

This is a good book and I enjoyed reading it.

I give it 4 out of 5


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