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Episode Reviews


Two To Go

Season 6 Episode 21

Writer- Douglas Petrie

Director- Bill Norton

After killing Warren Willow disappears. Before she disappears she says "one down" Buffy realises that "two to go" must be Jonathan and Andrew who Willow blames along with Warren for Taras death. Buffy and Xander help Jonathan and Andrew escape from prison, but Willow makes it clear that she will destroy anyone who gets between her and her prey. When she gets low on power Willow drains Rack. Buffy confronts Willow at the magic box in a contest of slayer Vs magic; help comes from a suprising source. Meanwhile Spike is in Africa undergoing a test to earn what he wants.


Season 6 Episode 22

Writer- David Fury

Director- James A Contner

Giles arrives at the magic box with magic from an English coven. Willow sends a fireball to destroy Jonathan and Andrew putting Xander and Dawn in danger. Buffy runs to save them, while Willow absorbs Giles borrowed power. Willows fireball blows a hole in the graveyard trapping Buffy and Dawn in the earth leaving Jonathan and Andrew to flee. Anya teleports over to tell the others that Willow is summoning a demon to destroy the world. Buffy and Dawn battle zombies and Xander confronts Willow armed with nothing but love.

I give Two To Go 4 out of 5

This episode takes the possibilities of evil Willow to the maximum

I give Grave 5 out of 5

There is some exceptional acting from Alyson Hannigan and Nicholas Brendon. This season finale is at the same standard as other season finales or maybe better.

